Camiones con cabina dormitorio para la venta en Washington, Oregon y California

Los camiones con cabina dormitorio son la categoría más popular de camiones de uso intenso por un buen motivo. If you’re looking for a machine that will allow you to comfortably spend more time on the road, a used sleeper truck offers the best bang for your buck. Ganará más con los viajes largos y ahorrará dinero, ya que podrá descansar en su vehículo.  Explore nuestra variedad de camiones con cabina dormitorio usados, de alta calidad, para la venta o visite el concesionario Papé Kenworth local para hacer una prueba de manejo hoy.

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Popular Kenworth Sleeper Truck Models

Though each truck may offer unique advantages from one another, each offers comfort and plenty of design choices. But they don't just look good. They're built with durability and power in mind.

At Papé Kenworth, you'll find a truck you can trust to work as hard as you do. Learn more about some of the popular sleeper models below:

  • Kenworth T680: With aerodynamic design and a variety of interior options to choose from, the T680 is an ideal choice for long-haul trucking.
  • Kenworth T880 - This heavy-duty model is powerful, versatile, and reliable — perfect for a variety of jobs and vocations.
  • Kenworth W900: With a spacious cab and iconic design, the trusty W900 provides old-school style with modern comfort.

Comfortable Sleeper Truck Interiors

Un camión con cabina dormitorio está diseñado con características que facilitan la vida en la ruta. And Kenworth ensures that you have plenty of options to choose from when looking for the perfect rig. Each sleeper truck offers either a single or double bunk, along with room for additional features like a small refrigerator, a TV, a table, or storage space. Visit your nearest Papé Kenworth location to speak with a product specialist. We'll arrange a test drive and ensure that your new investment is the right one for your business.

Sleeper Truck Parts & Repairs

As a full-service truck dealer, we offer a variety of OEM parts and quality maintenance services to help extend the life of your truck. With our team of skilled parts specialists and knowledgeable technicians, you're always in good hands when you visit a Papé Kenworth location.

Financing for Used Sleeper Trucks

No necesita pagar un camión usado en efectivo. At Papé Kenworth, we work closely with multiple lenders to get you the best financing offers available so that you can start your business and get on the road.  Llámenos ahora para hablar con uno de nuestros representantes financieros expertos o complete una solicitud de crédito en línea. Encuentre la sucursal de Papé Kenworth más cercana
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